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Oh what a night!

What another fantastic night!

The club was just beaming with pride for how well all the dogs are progressing.

The Starters class was first and what can we say but "WOW". The owners have put in so much work in just a week. We have such a variety of puppies yet each one has mastered the exercises from last week and were ready for the next challenge.

Next up was the Clever Dogs and boy, were they clever. Concentrating on heel work and focusing on the handler, each dog did brilliantly. To make the session slightly more challenging, the handlers were asked to stand in a circle and in turn, weave in and out of the other handlers while practicing heel work. The handlers who were waiting their turn, had to work on keeping their dog focused on them which was tough, but they all did excellent.

Finally, Top Dogs were worked hard with their heel work too. Focusing on slow, normal and fast pace and then working on keeping the dog in tight when doing left, right and about turns. It was tough but fun! Looking forward to what next week will bring.

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