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Covid-19 Latest

Dear All,

Unfortunately we are having to defer the recommencement date of EDDTC club owing to the Government Rule 6. As we are not deemed to be a business, but a non profit making organisation, our gatherings are classed as social, so therefore the ruling is applicable to us.

We are looking at an alternative provisional date of 4th November to recommence but this could change with new measures/ruling from the Government .

Please keep updated with the Facebook page and EDDTC website where all changes will be notified asap.

If anyone has any problems they wish to discuss/have help with please get in contact either through our Facebook page or via our email and someone will get back to you.

Wishing you all a very safe October,

Kathy (on behalf of the EDDTC Committee)

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my business copyright 2000 no animals were harmed in the making

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