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Our latest news

We may only be in February but my goodness we have had a lot going on!

Last week we started our second puppy course of the year. We are so proud of all the handlers and their dogs for what they have achieved. We also love that they choose to come back and attend the next class up, Clever Dogs to progress onwards with the skills and techniques they gained for the puppy course.

EDDTC love to learn new things and last week we held a training weekend at the Club, which was simply brilliant. All our trainers took away something which they can incorporate into their classes. We also held our first little competition with Andover Training Club. It was a fantastic day (despite the horrible weather outside) with much laughter, food and may I say one or two rosettes. Bring on next year!

Unfortunately, We end this blog on a very sad note. Kathy and Rob said a final farewell to their beloved Callie. Just three weeks off her 17th birthday, this beautiful girl crossed over the rainbow bridge. She may be got but certainly never forgotten! Run free Callie Jones xx

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EDDTC copyright 2018 no animals were harmed in the making

my business copyright 2000 no animals were harmed in the making

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