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Buzzing evening

Last night was week three of six for our Starters course. Each puppy (and owner) has continued to make incredible progress and it was like having a different group of puppies in the hall. Yes, they had moments of excitability but the control and eagerness to please their handlers was just awesome.

Clever dogs began some scent work training. Dylan, a Springer Spaniel particularly LOVED this exercise. a breed originally bred to work, he was thrilled to be using his nose to find his treats. Harley, a graduate from our previous Starters has come on leaps and bounds, who originally struggled with recall. She certainly showed us all how it should be done last night!

In Top Dogs we mainly worked on heel work. Each handler worked really hard and so did their dogs. All dog were working out what they needed to do to gain their reward. We worked on static work;, getting the dogs to circle round our bodies to encourage then to get into a tight heel work position. It was brilliant.

With all three classes, our trainers were able to

little elements for their current training weekend and every dog and handler took it in their stride and made fantastic improvements.

What a cracking night.

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