Training Hard
On Wednesday night we started our next Puppy Course to which we welcomed a very lovely Shih Tzu X Dachshund. He was a little timid to begin with but plenty of encouragement and positive reinforcement soon had him settling right in. We can't wait to see him and his owner next week.
Clever Dogs was buzzing! We were very pleased to see lots of our previous puppies taking part in their new class. Particularly little Lola, the Chihuahua, who when she first came to the Club was very nervous but seeing her work the floor on Wednesday was like looking at a different dog! Well done to her owner for all her hard work!
Top Dogs worked hard on their heel work. We looked at footwork and concentrated on the correct pace, to best suit the dog. We also worked on ensuring that our dogs weren't creeping forwards. Introducing elements such as 'twists', 'turns', targets and various speeds of pace to keep the dogs thinking and on their toes.
Lots to work on and looking forward to seeing everyone again next week!