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Go Beastly Eastleigh

Hello! Apologies to everyone for not writing sooner but lack of internet has certainly made things difficult. But...we are finally back online and have plenty to tell.

Last week was Sherborne Vale Obedience Show and some Eastleigh members certainly came away with some well deserved smiles on their faces. Carl who worked Dalton achieved 4th place in pre beginners, while Brain and his dog Bravo managed 6th place in Novice. Diane and her dog Hobbit were placed 2nd in Test A and Jackie and Elsa achieved 4th place in Novice,

What a fantastic achievement for each handler and their dog! We are so proud of our members and love to hear about all of their accomplishments. We work our handlers hard during training but it is such a wonderful feeling to hear how well they have done but also how much they have enjoyed working their dogs. With summer in full swing we look forward to the up and coming obedience shows.

Well done everyone :-)

Diane and Hobbit

Carl and Dalton


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