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Another Puppy Course completed!

A very big congratulations to Rhiannon and her Vizsla x Labrador, Teddy who completed their six week Puppy Course. They passed with flying colours!

When Teddy first came to us, she was very timid and unsure but with lots of positive reinforcement and consistency from her handler Rhiannon, Teddy has come on leaps and bounds. For example, Teddy really struggled with the concept of 'lying down' but with time and patience she soon worked it out which was certainly a wonderful moment to watch in class! Another task that Teddy found difficult was our 'gate exercise'. The exercise consists of walking to heel while approaching a small wooden gate. The handler then asks the dog to 'sit' and 'wait', opens the gate and then walks though, calling the dog to follow and sit by their side. Poor Teddy was not confident with even approaching the gate but after breaking the exercise down and allowing her to walk through the gate freely with no pressure and lots of treats enabled her to realise there was nothing to fear. After just a couple of tries, Teddy was sitting and waiting patiently to be called through the gate. Really well done!

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