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2019 here we come!

Hello and welcome to another new year at EDDTC! We are so excited for what this year has to hold for us and we just can't wait to get going.

I wanted to start this blog off with a heartfelt apology for the lack of activity over the last couple of months. I was due to have my son late December, however he had other ideas. Theodore decided to make his grand entrance on Bonfire Night, a whole seven weeks early. We are so grateful for everyones support and positive thoughts during what has been a very difficult time. As soon as he is strong enough, we will introduce him to you all.

As for our first week back, the Club had a super night on Wednesday. The evening saw the start of a new Puppy Course which was simply fantastic! Both dogs and their handlers were so enthusiastic and we cannot wait to watch their progress over the next six weeks!

Our other two classes were bursting at the seams. Both classes were full with handlers and their faithful companions with each one working hard to get back into full training mode.

We are so looking forward to what this year has in store for us and we hope you all can be a part it.

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EDDTC copyright 2018 no animals were harmed in the making

my business copyright 2000 no animals were harmed in the making

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