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Get ready!

Get ready, the obedience show season in upon us and we cannot wait.

With Hampshire Rally just around the corner we have started to incorporate elements which you would encounter at a show, into our training classes. Last night in Top Dogs we took it in turns to have a go at working a ring. We worked on heel work; on and off the lead, recall, retrieving and stays. While a handler and dog were working the ring, we had everyone else and their dogs dotted around the room, creating distractions to help mimic the show atmosphere. It worked really well and each dog did fantastic! Using lots of praise and working hard on keeping the dogs attention when the distractions became tempting. Here at EDDTC we are all about positive reinforcement. A confident and eager-to-please dog makes training so much more enjoyable and rewarding!

Our current puppy course is also doing fantastically. Everyone is working really hard in class and at home, and the evidence is clear as each week, all handlers and their dogs have improved vastly Well done everyone!

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EDDTC copyright 2018 no animals were harmed in the making

my business copyright 2000 no animals were harmed in the making

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