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Good Citizens Evening

Last night, EDDTC held a Kennel Club Good Citizens evening and what a turn out we had!

First off, we had handlers and their dogs for the Bronze Award. Everyone passed with flying colours. Demonstrating good control over their dogs and knowledge on what makes a responsible owner. Well done to Rob and Hazard, Kathy and Guess, Vicky and Gem, Diane and Riddick and Jenny and Storm. A special well done to Gem, a crossbreed who is a timid little lad but took the test in his stride. The test was judged by Sue Abraham and stewarded by Carl Thorne.

Next up we had the Silver Award. Again, displaying elements of responsible ownership as well as car and road safety. Taking the test we had Lynn and Pia, Bridget and Abby, Carl and Dolton, Teresa and Missi, Jenny and Storm and Diane and Riddick. I am delighted to announce that everyone passed. The test was judged by Sue Abraham and stewarded by Rob Case.

It was a truly great evening with everyone supporting one another. The Good Citizens is a brilliant scheme to work towards with your dog. It strengthens the bond between dog and handler and provides good quality training. In Clever Dogs, this is what we work towards within the class and incorporate various elements to help prepare you, if you chose to take either your Bronze, Sliver or Gold Award.

Please keep an eye on our website for your next Good Citizens evening.

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