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Listen up, this Mite be a problem!

With summer well and truly on its way, unfortunately this brings along some very unwanted mites.

Harvest mites and Foxs mites are the two most common this time of year and can cause your dog to frantically scratch and bite their skin, causing very sore skin. Highly contagious, these microscopic parasites can infect various species such as dogs, cats, horses and many other domestic animals. Common signs are hair loss, inflammation of the skin and very sore skin. Treatment includes regular washes with prescribed shampoo and various parasite ointments and/or treatments.

Ear mites are the most common and extremely contagious. They are transmitted through direct contact between animals, but not humans. If untreated, ear mites can severely damage the ear canals and eardrum and can cause permanent hearing loss.

If you are at all worried about mites then please speak to your vet as they will be able to advise you on prevention.

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