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And the winner is...

What a fantastic evening Wednesday night was. We had a brilliant turnout for our competition night and both handlers and their dogs thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

First up we had the class without a retrieve. This included heel work on lead, heel work off lead, recall and a 30 second stay of the handlers choice. Each handler and their dog worked really hard. First place was award to Luke and his crossbreed, Erin. Second place was to Pauline and her GSD, Raffa. Third place was given to Vicky and her crossbreed, Gem. Forth was awarded to Caye and her Beagle, Barry and finally fifth place was given to Peter and his Spaniel Digby. Well done everyone!

Up next we had the class with a retrieve. This entailed the same elements as the previous class but also required the dogs to retrieve an article. First place was awarded to Rob and his crossbreed Hazard. Second was to Jenny and her BC, Storm. Third place was to Brain and his BC, Bravo. Forth was to Martin and his crossbreed, Lulu. Fifth was awarded to Jenny and her BC, Mullberry. Sixth place was given to Pauline and her Golden, Millie and seventh to her GSD, Zorro. Eighth place was award to Carl and his BC, Dolton and finally, eight place was awarded to Judy and her JRT JayCee.

A massive thank you for Diane who judged both classes. We also appreciated Carl for stewarding the firth class and Kathy for stewarding the second, thank you. It was a fantastic night where everyone got to experience the competition conditions and also see what they needed to work on in the ring. Heres to the next one!

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